Konstantinos Moustakas
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Lecture Title
Waste management initiatives and advances towards promoting circular economy and bioeconomy
Lecture Abstract
The introduction of the presentation refers to the recent developments in European Union towards circular economy. It presents the EU Action Plan for Circular Economy including the key action areas (production, consumption, waste management, secondary raw materials and innovation, investment & monitoring) and the five priority sectors (plastics, food waste, construction & demolition waste, critical raw materials & biomass & bio-based products). The objectives and the key actions are presented in each case.
Next, main research initiatives of the working team of the Unit of Environmental Science & Technology of the School of Chemical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens in the field of circular economy and bioeconomy are presented and indicative results are presented with emphasis on food waste and generally biowaste, as well as recyclable materials (plastics, metals, etc.).
Short Bio of the Lecturer
Konstantinos Moustakas is Chemist, with PhD in solid waste management. He works for the Unit of Environmental Science & Technology ( of the School of Chemical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens for more than 20 years. His main fields of expertise include waste management, circular economy, waste-to-energy, recycling, etc. He has participated in more than 80 projects in several countries. He has long teaching experience and considerable international experience as project manager and senior researcher. He has cooperated with the European Commission directly, as he acted as TAIEX expert (institutional building) in many countries. He has long training activity in the field of environment in different countries and has been Collaborating Teaching Staff for the Hellenic Open University for eight years (Subject: Solid Waste Management). He has published more than 320 articles in conferences and journals, he has served as Guest Editor in more than 30 Special Issues, he is Member of the Editorial Board in several journals, while he has had the key role in the organisation of a large number of big international conferences. Indicatively, he is the Head of the Organising Committee and key member of the Scientific Committee for the successful series of conferences on Sustainable Solid Waste Management that it taking place on annual basis.
Zdravko Kravanja
University of Maribor, Slovenia
Lecture Title
The importance of the PRES conference chain for energy savings and pollution reduction
Short Bio of the Lecturer
Zdravko Kravanja is a Professor and the Dean in the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at the University of Maribor, Slovenia.
He joined the university after several years in industry (1981-1985). He was Visiting Researcher (1988-89) and Visiting Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, US (1997), and Guest Professor at Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Lyngby on several occasions (from 1998 on). He was awarded with Pannonia Award in 2015 and Slovenian state price – Zois award for excellence in science in 2017. He was President of the Slovenian Academic Association for Engineering and Natural Sciences (SATENA) (2010-2011). He has recently become an associate member of Slovenian Academy of Engineering. His research over the years has been devoted mainly to the development of algorithmic techniques, strategies, and computerised tools for sustainable Process Systems Engineering, including Heat and Water Integration. Together with Professor Grossmann, he has developed a unique mixed-integer process synthesizer shell called MIPSYN, now upgrading to MIPSYN-Global. Recently, his research has been oriented towards the synthesis of sustainable systems, e.g. renewable based biofuel supply networks, using multi-objective optimization and monetary based sustainability measurements, sustainability profit and sustainability net present value. He has (co)-authored around 160 publications in scientific journals.
Ferenc Friedler
Széchenyi István University, Hungary
Lecture Title
Structural Consideration of Sustainability via 25 Years of PRES
Short Bio of the Lecturer
Professor at Széchenyi István University (SzIU) and head of National Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence at SzIU, Hungary. His main research activity is related to the developments and applications of effective methods for process design and operation, especially, for process network synthesis, heat exchanger network synthesis, process integration, energy savings, supply chain management, wastewater treatment, process reliability engineering, and batch process scheduling.
He is one of the founders of the P-graph framework that provides a theoretical basis for a wide range of applications in process synthesis. Supervised more than one hundred national and international R&D projects. Founder, chair, and co-chair of international scientific conferences. Board member of the European Federation of Chemical Engineers (EFCE) and member of the Computer Aided Process Engineering Working Party of the EFCE. Graduated in mathematics, received CSc and DSc degrees in chemical engineering. Honored with several awards including Knight’s Cross Order of Merit and John von Neumann Prize.